About Us

2 min read

Welcome To NEGAAS Journal

About Us

Hello Scholars and Readers!
Greetings from NEGAAS.

Nepal German Academic Association (NEGAAS) is a non-profit organization established in August 1986 by a group of Nepalese scholars having obtained their academic degree, undergone training and conducted researches in various universities and institutes of Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). NEGAAS aims at strengthening the relation between Nepal and FRG by developing mutual understanding and cooperation among the academicians of both the countries in social, scientific and technical fields.

NEGAAS Journal (ISSN 2594-3340) is a multidisciplinary journal of Nepalese alumni of German graduates. It publishes academic and popular articles of general interest in all areas particularly about Nepal and Germany and their cooperation. The journal welcomes all types of articles in the fields of natural and social sciences.

Dr. Tri Bikram Bhattarai

Over 100 NEGAAS Activities...

Over 100 NEGAAS Activities that have been an aid for numerous students and researchers.

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